Friday, November 20, 2009

The Five Flaws of the Reid Health Bill

Great synopsis from The Heritage Foundation: The Five Flaws of the Reid Health Bill

Monday, November 16, 2009

Policy Fashioned to Fit Rhetoric

The newest member in the on-going debate on the Obama administration's decision to bring Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (along with three other terrorists) to New York to stand trial in a civilian court is former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. Muskasey who served as the judge in the trial stemming from the first attack on the World Trade Center, spoke out against the current Administration's decision while speaking at the Federalist Society's National Lawyers Convention on Friday.

He described the move, as “a decision I consider not only unwise, but based on a refusal to face the fact that what we are involved with here is a war with people who follow a religiously-based ideology that calls on them to kill us, and to return instead to the mindset that prevailed before Sept. 11 that acts like the first World Trade Center bombing, the attacks on our embassies in Africa and other such acts can and should be treated as conventional crimes and tried in conventional courts.”

He went on to tactfully and factually decry many of the Obama Administration's decisions which have "seemed in many instances to be a system in which policy is fashioned to fit and proceed rhetoric rather than being thought out in advance with arguments then formulated in support of it.”

Bam Pow.....that would hurt, however I'm not sure the Obama Administration is able to understand the meaning of that statement, after all, Muskasey has this pesky habit of speaking in complete sentences vs. easily quotable sound bites.

The American Spectator gives a complete, must read over-view of Muskasey's complete speech HERE

It really is amazing comparing Muskasey to current Attorney General Eric Holder, not only in rhetoric, but in foresight, depth of understanding and overall breadth of knowledge and consequences of actions. Amazing and frightening.