a) gaining political points
b) creation of a worldwide system of regulation to puts business under government control and transfers wealth from rich nations to poor ones.
than it is actually benefitting the environment.
As Dick Morris terrifically pointed out in a recent Op-ed on the issue:
"The worst nightmare of the left is about to come true: The United States is about to achieve the carbon emissions goals set by the 1997 Kyoto Accords. Once seemingly beyond reach, the United States is already halfway toward meeting the stringent Kyoto goals for reduction in carbon emissions without a cap-and-trade law or a carbon tax or carbon dioxide being declared a pollutant...............................Should the emissions come down on their own, as they are doing, the excuse for draconian legislation goes, well, up in smoke."
The rest of the article can be found HERE, a must read to put climate change, emissions regulation and where the U.S. stands as a polluter, in perspective.
A similar economic coup was attempted during the 1970's with the The New International Economic Order (NIEO). This was a set of proposals put forth by developing countries to promote their interests by improving their terms of trade, increasing development assistance, developed-country tariff reductions, and other means. It was meant to be a revision of the international economic system in favour of Third World countries--- basically wealth redistribution via global socialism.
Luckily these aims went no where, thanks mainly to Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, both of whom refused to let the world cadre of entitlement advocating whiners walk all over the United States and take away the rights of hard working citizens.
Unfortunately the attack on democracy has risen once again, this time attaching itself to the fad of environmentalism and climate change. And frighteningly, this time our political leaders are submitting to their whines, much like an embarrassed parent trying to subdued a child having a temper tantrum in a public place.
Environmentalism is essentially becoming a new form of socialism.
On the first day of Copenhagen opened, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency claimed jurisdiction over the regulation of carbon emissions by declaring them an "endangerment" to human health. Due to the fact that we operate in a carbon-based economy, this declaration will give the EPA unprecedented regulation power. Any institution that emits more than 250 tons of CO2 a year will be under EPA control.
According to Charles Krauthammer, not since the creation of the Internal Revenue Service has a federal agency been given more power over every aspect of economic life.
Frightening to say the least. The Obama administration is determined to turn the United States into a socialist nation and is mounting the war on multiple fronts...environmentalism, healthcare, economic regulations.....