Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Birthday President Reagan

Happy Birthday President Reagan! Today is a great day to truly appreciate what being a conservative is all about. Not only did Reagan shape our country from a policy and ideology standpoint, but from a platform of strong morals and ethics, which are often overlooked in our country today!

Conservatives are often chided for their 'Reagan-love' by those who don't truly understand or appreciate the his significant contributions to creating the America we are today.

(as an aside- Those that mock Reagan love are often the same people who have small shrines set up honoring Kennedy- who really, in comparison, was a fairly unaccomplished President)

President Reagan came into office after years of American dealing with Jimmy Carter. Carter beat the American people down, and, in many ways, proclaimed the end of America's position as a World superpower. Under Carter we had 20 percent interest rates, 22 percent inflation, and the military was unprepared and weakened due deep cuts in military spending.

America needed a hero and Reagan's magnificent optimism, and undying hope, gave America renewed faith in itself. He pursued policies that emphasized personal freedom, expanded the scope of the military, improved the US economy and brought an end to the Cold War. His economic policies aimed at reduction in social spending and enhancing entrepreneurship. By dismantling some federal programs, and reducing others, he forced the states and the cities to assume more responsibility for themselves.

Aside from his practical accomplishments, Reagan's personality almost certainly had a great deal to do with his perceived greatness. He was "The Great Communicator". His speeches rang with optimism and comfort and patriotism. Unlike the current administration, however, they weren't all about rhetoric and sound bytes, his words were supported by actions and organized steps to move us closer to where we wanted to be.

Like all Presidents, Ronald Reagan made some bad decisions in office. But, his greatest contribution was his unchecked love for America and it's people. After the humiliating Carter years, Reagan made us again feel proud to be Americans, and confident in our nation's future. Hmm..a President making us feel proud to be Americans???? Interesting concept isn't it President Obama???

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Terrorists We Are Setting Free

The Department of Justice announced on Thursday evening that two detainees from the Guantanamo Bay prison have been released to Algeria.

The Algerian nationals, Hasan Zemiri and Adil Hadi al Jazairi Bin Hamlili, were returned to the Algerian government upon agreement of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Departments of Defense, State, Justice and Homeland Security.

Let’s take a look at these fine individuals who are now free to roam, rev up their friends with tall tales of the ‘injustices’ and ‘abusive’ treatment at Guantanamo and plan more terrorist attacks on the United States.

Hasan Zemiri, 42, was a Montreal friend of Ahmed Ressam and a co-conspirator of the Los Angeles Millennium plot. Hasan Zemiri provided Ahmed Ressam with a camera and $3,500 in order to help him with the plot. He was already arrested once at Niagara Falls in 1998 but was released on bail and eventually made his way to Afghanistan after the plot failed. Hasan Zemiri was arrested in Tora Bora, Afghanistan, in 12/2001.

Adil Hadi al-Jazairi Bin Hamlili, 34, a former member of the Algeiran Armed Islamic Group –and the former personal representative of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan .

It also serves to note that Algeria has seen an increased terrorist presence in the past few years with the activities of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (an officially al-Qaeda sanctioned affiliate that battles the Algerian government in order to forcibly establish an Islamic state, as well as attacking, European and American targets).

Let us pray, that I am wrong. Let us pray that these detainees will go to Algeria, thank their lucky stars that the had the ACLU on their side and open a Jihad themed coffee shop which specializes in Petite Fours. Unfortunately, looking at past history of other Guantanamo detainees, I am fearful of what the future may hold for these newly freed men.

Take for example, Mohammed Ismail, who was released from the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in early 2004 and sent back to Afghanistan to be set free. Within four months, he was recaptured in Afghanistan as a result of attacking U.S. troops there.

Another example would be Abdullah Gulam Rasoul, who was released from Guantanamo in December 2007 and set free in Afghanistan. Rasoul has become a powerful Taliban military commander in southern Afghanistan, and the United States suspects he is responsible for several attacks on U.S. forces there. He seems to have built “rock star status” among the Taliban, by using his Guantanamo experience to ‘rev the troops’

These are just two examples former Guantanamo Bay detainees who the military says were active in, or were suspected of being active in, fighting against the United States or committing terrorist acts after being released.

In fact, in May of last year the Pentagon released information that showed 14 percent of former detainees have turned to, or are suspected of having turned to, terrorism activity since being released from Guantanamo.

Wow, that’s swell!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr. Helped Recommit Our Nation To Its Founding First Principles

Martin Luther King Jr. Helped Recommit Our Nation To Its Founding First Principles | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Curt Schilling and the MA election

Curt Schilling is a wonderful baseball player, intelligent guy and gives a great insight into the MA election.

Follow his blog HERE

Great commentary on life, politics, sports......

Martin Luther King Day Tribute

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

On this Martin Luther King Day, I’d like to take a little look back at history and the two political parties in association with black civil rights. It is an often overlooked truth that the Democratic party identified itself as the ‘white man’s party” during the civil war era and ran on a pro slavery platform in the presidential campaign between John C. Breckinridge vs. Abraham Lincoln.

They demonized the Republicans as being “negro dominated” and were able to gain a long stronghold over the southern states with their strong white supremacy platform. Democrats denounced President Lincoln for his Emancipation Proclamation, and congressional Democrats voted unanimously against the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery. It really wasn’t until John Kennedy in the 1960’s that democrats started supporting racial integration and equality.

In some ways this little bit of history is neither here nor there, and I could go on and on about the history of civil rights and the good and bad way that politicians on both sides of the aisle handled things. Alot of very good information can be found on (National Black Republican Association). I will warn that this site is very partisan and somewhat bias in their take on things. However, it does give an interesting insight into a more conservative side of racial politics.

Other sites that give this counterbalance look include

The Black Republican Blog:
Project 21:

Project 21 is my personal favorite and I think gives the most balanced and motivating platform for both White and Black conservatives

Tomorrow, I’ll give an overview on some amazing Black Conservatives in American history...and there are many! Today I will leave with this absolutely amazing and thought provoking article by Mary Baker, written in fall of last year. Link to the article is HERE, yet I think it is worth a full reprinting below as well:

Why I am no longer an African American

By Mary Baker

The Obama election was a milestone in our country's history. Blacks danced in the streets, talked about feelings of finally being able to feel at home in America, and cried for the cameras. But as a black woman in the Age of Obama, I don't see anything that reveals that Blacks in America have anything to celebrate. I grew up in the Deep South during the 1960's, so I'm quite aware of the issues our country faced at that time. Blacks mourned the deaths of two of their most profound leaders, Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This was a time when those who represented the leadership of Black Americans promoted a longing for the "Motherland."

There was propaganda promoting African ancestry, even the reclassifying of Blacks as African Americans. The establishment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 barred many of the practices of racial discrimination and Blacks began to believe that achieving the dreams that Dr. King hailed in his speeches was possible. Black leaders such as Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael promoted the new image of the African American through the Nation of Islam and the Black Power Movement. Kimani Nehusi, a lecturer at the University of East London, writes,
Many Rastafari use the term ‘repatriation' to express this longing for Africa, and a determination to return physically. However, when we examine the practice of Rastafari, we can see that the idea of a return to Africa goes beyond just repatriation, the physical resettlement on the continent of our ancestors. It also means a return to the values, culture and history of Africa, and a particular Africentric way of seeing the world. Many of these ideas have also been expressed in the work of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Kwame Nkrumah and other leading fighters for the rights of Africans at home and abroad.

Fast-forward to November 4, 2008 -- America elects her first African American President. Now, one would think that all has finally been laid to rest and America has once and for all times achieved racial reconciliation. But it appears that this election has resulted in even more racial division. After observing the attitudes of African Americans and gaining an understanding of the drive to classify Black Americans as African Americans, I must now say that I can no longer identify myself as an African American because this classification holds several proclamations and principles to which I no longer identify with as a citizen of this country. This title holds anti-American sentiments to which I cannot embrace. I have never held to the viewpoints of those from the Black Power Movement, Nation of Islam, or the Black Nationalist Movement. I don't think about Africa, or what it would be like to live there, as I have always been content living in the country of my birth, where I grew up in a small town in Louisiana.

The classification of me as an African American says that although I live in America, my loyalty and allegiance are to Africa. My loyalty and my allegiance are first to Jesus Christ who is the Lord and Savior of my life. These same principles were those held by many of our Founding Fathers who held high regard for God's protection and leadership over this nation. These are the principles that are common to the foundation of Conservatism. As I think of my viewpoints politically, everything I believe about this country is wrapped up in my Conservative views. The tenets of the Declaration of Independence were set forth to bring equality and well being to all Americans. And those are the principles that I embrace as an American.

It is my faith that drives everything that I believe and hold as dear. The Founders of this country envisioned a nation that would secure the God-given rights of its citizens. The desire that every citizen born in this country would not suffer the oppression they endured under England's rule, set as the backdrop for guaranteeing freedom for all Americans. The Founders especially desired that our nation would be one ruled and protected by our Creator God. Many beg to differ, but the Founders' insistence that God guide the ways of this nation is apparent in their acknowledgement of His hand in the creation of life, the rights of life, and the prosperity of life.

It is these principles that make me proud to just be an American. So, I select for my identity the title of American. The radical ideologies of Blacks involved in the Civil Rights Movement gave birth to attitudes like those of Professor Henry Lewis Gates Jr., the Harvard professor who became livid when his identity was questioned by a white police officer. Those who embrace Professor Gate's sentiments and attitudes today are those who still believe that America owes something to the Black population for the horrors of slavery. They are the ones that continue to stoke the fires of racial hatred toward other races and promote the continued attitude of self pity within the Black community. They also hold to the teachings of Black Liberation Theology, a school of thought that I never knew existed until the presidential campaign of then Senator Barak Obama. The teachings of Black Liberation Theology run counter to the American way. They also are counterproductive to the love I hold for my country.

I began to think about how we all got to be categorized in the first place. I have not noticed on any forms that the category of American is an option to be selected. Is this division amongst us perpetrated by our very own government? It is obvious that the inspiration for the classification of African American has nothing to do with those born of African descent. It is a radical group of Black Americans who hold to the anti-American views of those shared by Jeremiah Wright, Professor Gates, Jesse Jackson, President Obama and many others who came out of the radical Civil Rights Movement.

Because of these things, I now part ways with the classification of African American because I hold no allegiance to Africa. I embrace the American qualities of freedom to worship, freedom to have my own opinion, freedom to express my views, freedom to achieve whatever it is God has created me to achieve. I hope that I will find others like me who are willing to break ties with the things that divide us, and embrace the timeless principles that have made this country the greatest nation on earth. That is why, when the next U.S. Census occurs, I will be making a new category just for me, the classification of being an American.

Mary Baker is a married mother of seven children, a stay-at-home mom who loves writing, and enjoys home-schooling her eight-year-old daughter, Krystal. Mary lives in Houston, Texas.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Relief for Haiti!

Here is a grouping of ways to help, resources, etc. that I have been able to round up

First- This is a website put together from the International Red Cross to help find your loved. The aim of the International Committee of the Red Cross FamilyLinks website is to help those separated by conflict or disaster to find information about their loved ones in order to restore contact.

Sending thoughts are prayers there way! I will post more as I come upon them

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

George Will has a point....

Follow up on my last blog and the continued "Harry Reid Crisis". George Will brought up a very good point on Sunday in a little tiff with Liz Cheney.

Watch it HERE

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lott vs. Reid: Another case study in Liberal Bias!!!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid went into damage control over the yesterday after news broke that during the 2008 presidential campaign he said Barack Obama had an advantage because he's "light-skinned" and has "no Negro dialect" unless he wants to employ it.

These comments, clearly racist in nature, once again give us a brutal look at the hypocrisy of the democratic party when dealing with race issues.

Let us remember way back to 2002, when then Senate Majority leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, made a comment during a 100th birthday celebration for the retiring Strom Thurmond:

"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either,"

To put those statements in context for anyone not familiar with Thurmond’s background, he ran as the presidential nominee of the breakaway Dixiecrat Party in the 1948 presidential race against Democrat Harry Truman and Republican Thomas Dewey. He carried Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and his home state of South Carolina, of which he was governor at the time.

During the campaign, he said, "All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches."

Thurmond's party ran under a platform that declared in part, "We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race."

Eventually, Thurmond moved away from his segregationist position and went on to the longest career in Senate history (not to mention a career in which he was well known for carrying around little pieces of candy to give to all the pretty interns- or throw on the ground to watch them pick them up- but I digress).

Anyway, back to Trent Lott’s legendary comments: After poor Senator Lott uttered these remarks, the liberal bayonet virtually castrated him. Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson called for Lott to resign, and former Vice President Al Gore told CNN that the comment was "racist."

The media was all over Lott’s ‘racist agenda’. Finally the poor man was forced to step down under the liberal firestorm of sound bytes and misrepresentations over both his character and his past. A wonderful look into the hypocrisy of many of the allegations can be found in this article by Tom Gormon.

Not let us contrast that incident to the now known comments by Senate Majority leader Harry Reid. Almost as quickly as news of the comments were reported by the media (mostly by Fox News, since god forbid any of the other liberally-biased news outlets rush to report anything that might hinder their own), Al Sharpton can out defending Reid.

In a statement issued yesterday, Sharpton said:

“I have learned of certain unfortunate comments made by Senator Reid regarding President Barack Obama and have spoken with Senator Reid about those comments. While there is no question that Senator Reid did not select the best word choice in this instance, these comments should not distract America from its continued focus on securing healthcare or creating jobs for its people. Nor should they detract from the unquestionable leadership role Senator Reid has played on these issues or in the area of civil rights. Senator Reid’s door has always been open on hearing from the civil rights community on these issues and I look forward to continue to work with Senator Reid wherever possible to improve the lives of Americans everywhere.”

This is the same Al Sharpton who has no problem throwing the likes of Don Imus, Trent Lott or legions of others under the bus for virtually any utterance that can somehow be interpreted as racist.

As Michael Steele, the African American Chairman of the Republican National Committee pointed out Democrats are simply full of hypocrisy on the matter,

"There is this standard where Democrats feel that they can say these things and they can apologize when it comes from the mouths of their own. But if it comes from anyone else, it is racism," Steele told "Fox News Sunday."

Democrats are amazingly talented at these things, voo doo magic, a pack with the dark side, who will be interesting what fate beholds Reid as the week unfolds. My guess: this gaff, like many others, will fade into the sunset and only be discussed in backrooms by Democratic strategists as they recount fondly all they ways they screwed the American people.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009: An ‘extraordinary’ year in politics -

Nice overview!

2009: An ‘extraordinary’ year in politics -

2010 Blog Resolutions

Welcome 2010!!!! I have a feeling this will be a great year!

A few resolutions for this blog in the new year...

-First and foremost: I will post more content. My goal is to have 2-3 posts each week at a please try to keep me accountable to that!

-Along that same note, if any reader has a particular issue or concern they would like me to rant, inform or just discuss in general, please feel free to make requests

-With the 2010 elections coming up, I would LOVE to be able to highlight one candidate each week. If you are a candidate in a NATIONAL race anywhere across the country and would like a chance to speak your mind on the issues...I'm your girl

-In a similar vain, if you are representing an issue that you would like highlighted or me as well, I'd be more than happy to look into the issue and give a summary

WARNING: This does not mean that I will not include my own commentary or feelings on your candidacy/issue. You will be able to have a forum to speak your mind and promote yourself (issue), but I will give my thoughts at the end.

Ok, that is it for now. Happy New Year everyone...lets make it a great one!